₭ Starting 4/25/22 through 5/09/22 at 11:59pm EST purchase a Galaxy S22 256g, S22+ 256g or S22 Ultra 256g or 512g ("Qualifying Purchase") for the price of the lower memory storage level. Model and color may vary by country and carrier.
Dont call me up chords plus#
Galaxy S22 plus in Phantom White rotates on a corner to be seen from the rear, at an angle. Hashtag MakeNightsEpic with Nightography. A man seen from the rear takes Galaxy S22 plus out of his back pocket and walks down a road with a nighttime cityscape ahead of him. Silhouette of the man standing on the roof, and the nighttime cityscape surrounding him. Extreme close-up on the Rear Camera of Galaxy S22 plus seen from an angle. The man with S22 plus steps onto a roof from a fire escape. A man plays the drums on the sidewalk as seen through the viewfinder of Galaxy S22 plus in Video mode recording a video, and then a man playing the trumpet. Close-up of the man holding Galaxy S22 plus, seen from the rear. Close-up of a cellist playing as seen through the viewfinder of Galaxy S22 plus in Video mode recording a video. A band performing in front of a streetlight installation. The man walks down an urban street illuminated at night and the ground is wet. The man films the cyclists as they perform tricks around him.

Moving through a dark tunnel and a group of cyclists is ahead and their wheels are bright with colorful neon lights installed. The man crosses a low lit overpass bridge. A man seen close-up, cheering in the Viewfinder frame of the Camera app in Video mode, recording. Someone scores a goal, the scorer and a team mate celebrate together. He kicks the ball back to the men playing soccer. Hands hold Galaxy S22 plus, seen from the front with Camera app in Video mode onscreen, a ball rolls up and a foot stops it. Viewfinder close-up of the men playing soccer recorded in Video mode on the Camera app. The man holding Galaxy S22 plus walks through a large parking lot and films a soccer game as he passes. Hands hold Galaxy S22 plus and the artist smiling in the viewfinder in the Camera app as a video is recorded. Extreme close-up on the Rear Camera of S22 plus and enters the phone through the 50MP Wide-angle Camera lens. The man approaches, capturing the scene with Galaxy S22 Ultra. A dark street at night, and another man creates a colorful graffiti mural, spot lit by a street light overhead. The man looks down the street and begins running while recording. Extreme closeup on the Rear Camera on S22 plus. The streetlight is seen in the viewfinder on the phone screen. The man walks into the street and holds S22 plus up to the streetlight. Close-up of the Rear Camera on S22 plus in Phantom White with light reflecting off it. A close-up of Galaxy S22 plus in Phantom White seen from the rear and light reflects across the Samsung logo. A band of light moves across the bed towards him, and he looks up. A man lies on his bed at night in a low-lit bedroom, looking at Galaxy S22 plus in his hand.